Cleansing & Consecrating Your Space

Cleansing & Consecrating Your Space

Tonight, we are blessed with a gorgeous Cold Moon. This full moon invites us to rest and care for ourselves, which is a reminder that really became rooted in our collective this year. However, as we approach the end of 2020, this is also a perfect time to perform a cleansing and consecration ritual.

First, it’s helpful to write or draw what you’re looking to release. An example could be doubt, fear of judgement, indecisiveness, etc. Then write/draw what it is you would like to attract or activate in your life. An example would be peace, joy, a more fulfilling career that harnesses your Zone of Genius, etc.

Now for the cleansing step, I personally love creating an essential oil spray, and moving through my home (starting in the entry way) to cleanse the space. The blend I used today was: lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree, lavender, myrtle, citronella and frankincense. I also placed a small Botswana agate bead in the water spray bottle, to help with releasing old patterns. As I moved through my home, I made sure to cleanse my closets as well. I also like cracking the windows (albeit briefly since it's cold AF), while I hold the intention of purifying my body and space. You may also feel called to draw yourself a cleansing bath, too!

After the cleansing and purification, it's important to conduct a consecration of the space and yourself- what are you looking to invite in? What sacred purpose are you activating in your life? Make sure you’ve reflected on this, and allow yourself to feel what it is you want to experience. For this step, I love either burning incense or using sound, like a sistrum, to help lift the vibration and begin inviting in what I wish to activate in my life. I also start at my front door and move through my house. I will open windows and doors for this step as well, to symbolically invite in the energy I want to cultivate.

The magic happens when we strike the balance of both letting go and calling in the future we desire.

Even if this is something you can't do tonight, the next few days into the New Year would be perfect timing. It's all about stepping into alignment with your conscious creator self, and what better way than harnessing the power of the elements, your sacred space, and your divine spirit.