Increase Your Manifestation Skills
There are many things that I love about feng shui. One of them is the magic of the bagua map.
The bagua map is a tool that predicts the flow of energy within a home. It helps us to actualize the nine important facets to living a thriving, bountiful life, within our homes. With that being said, if there's something special that you're trying to manifest, why not use your home to help bring the result you’re looking for to life? Here's an example:
Let's say you want to manifest additional income into your life. Well, determining what room(s) are in your wealth and abundance gua are a great place to start! If you have multiple floors, this may give you an opportunity to work some magic in a number of areas.
Then, you can begin imprinting your intention, and ultimately breathing life, into this area of your home. Some ideas to begin working with the wealth and abundance gua of your home include:
Declutter - if there are objects that are crowding and suffocating this area that are no longer of use, it’s time to let them go so you can invite fresh energy.
Create an altar space to give thanks for the abundance and blessings you already have in your life, and to also cast your prayers/spells/intentions/petitions.
Add artwork that really tunes into your soul's feeling of wealth/abundance/bounty.
Plants are always a welcome addition, as you’re bringing literal life to the space.
Once you have an understanding of where the rooms in your home align with the bagua map, you can begin crafting and decorating your space more intentionally to help fuel each area of your life. And of course, taking the practical, tangible steps to bring what you want into your life goes hand in hand (like working with a financial advisor, wealth management firm, building your skillset to apply for your dream job, etc.). But truly, it's amazing how just opening up to the possibility of miracles (like receiving an unexpected check for money, or being recruited for your dream job), can make life that much more fulfilling and fun.